Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I just want to run....

So, I have been at this whole weight loss thing for awhile. I mean for about 14 years out of my 26 years of life. For the first time in long time, I actually feel like I can do this. Not like in the past were I was temporally inspired and I started writing a blog about my healthy lifestyle and fell off after two weeks. (I have been there are done that)

In the past, I tried to lose weight for the following reasons,

  • Vanity
  • To be noticed for a boy
  • Bragging rights
  • The thought if i lost weight my size 11W feet would get smaller (in a perfect world)
  • The desire to go to the mall and be able to buy clothes from all the stores in the mall, not just two Lane Bryant and Macy's. ( Which now that I think about it would not have been good for my shopaholic tendencies)
All for the wrong reasons.

In all honesty,  'til this day my motivations to lose weight has never really been about  improving my health, even though I tried to convince myself that it was.  Because, really I am pretty healthy. Everytime, I go to the doctors and they take my vitals, they are amazed by the medical miracle of  how healthy I am compared to my weight. (Thank God)

But this time my motivation is to run. For some reason for the last couple of years, I have had this desire to hit the track or trail and move my legs as fast as they can go. I am talking about that type of Olympic graceful  run, where it looks like you are just gliding across the ground. Long distance running especially, is something I have always struggled with and I look forward to running and completing mile without  stopping. There is something about the liberation of being able to move through the air at such a speed uninhibited, with the wind blowing through my Afro (Yes, I plan to be in full  fro)

So this year, no diets, no crazy exercise plans,  and no lofty goals. I am just going to build my endurance to run and with that everything else will fall into place.

Wish me luck! 

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